Paterson Charter School for Science & Technology
Paterson, NJAbout
What is a charter school?
Is a public school open to all students on a space-available basis.
Is independent of the local board of education.
Is managed by a board of trustees who are authorized by the State Board of Education to supervise and control.
Is granted a four-year initial charter by the Commissioner of Education that may be renewed for a five-year period.
May not charge tuition.
Is located in its district of residence.
What is the relationship between a charter school and a district board of education?
A charter school operates independently.
Funding for a charter school comes from state and local taxpayers through its district board of education.
A district board of education is responsible for transportation of charter school students residing in its district on the same terms and conditions as the students attending other district public schools.
Who may establish a charter school?
Teaching staff members.
Parents with children attending the district schools.
A combination of teaching staff members and parents.
Institution of higher learning in conjunction with teaching staff members and parents of children attending the district schools.
A private entity located within state in conjunction with teaching staff members and parents of children attending the district schools.
Who can attend a charter school?
All grade-eligible students from its district of residence may attend on a space-available basis.
If applicants exceed available spaces, a charter school is required to use a random selection process.
Preference is given to children of the charter school’s district of residence.
If space permits, non-resident students may attend.
Students must first be registered in their districts.
Enrollment priority is given to siblings of students currently enrolled in a charter school.
A charter school cannot discriminate in admission policies on the basis of intellectual or athletic ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, status as a handicapped person, proficiency in the English language, or any other basis which is deemed illegal if used by district boards of education.
A charter school may target admission to particular grade levels or areas of concentration.
Jobs at Paterson Charter School for Science & Technology
There are no jobs listed at this time.